Sunday, December 18, 2011

Your Color Blue

10 years of suffering
which I'll never regret
because I found
what made me forget them all

The time when you said
in that terrible cold:
"I love you, tell me you do so too"
But I'm not a liar so I said
that I loved him more than ever.

And then I left
he yelled for me but I kept running
not from him, but 
from a past that didn't let me free

Away from him,
all I could think about 
was his pale blue eyes
tired from all kinds of pain

His gentle expression...
I couldn't believe 
that he actually loved me
all these years...

I came back, thinking 
that my past was worth it,
our love was worth it
and I returned to him,

His eyes were even brighter,
I've never seen them with such light,
All was forgotten
Except our love.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

One breath

Breathe in....
and I remember now,
all those flowers
and mountains we used to climb

Running around..
the only sound made
was our steps

The air felt cold
and no cars, no traffic
not a noise
no more trash.

Do you remember now?
When we jumped around
in the blue sea and pink sky?

all I could see were your eyes
and I was feeling alive,
make this a little longer,
I don't want to go back

My biggest sin
is to love persons
more than they deserve

Now breathe out
and everything disappears...


My eyes meets her eyes
and I give her a smile.
any time I can.
I don't know what to say...

She wasn't the kind of girl
who care a much about looks,
hair, weight or shoes

They asked her if she was pregnant,
she's just a little kid, I said
they kept going
but she never shed a tear.

Oh Julianna sitting alone
no one to talk to
no one to cry with
no one at all

Her brothers yell and laugh
"Could you be more stupid?"
But they don't know what they're saying
they've got air in their heads

Serious, One day she said:
"I have no father"
What did he do
for her to feel that way?

Oh Julianna sitting alone
no one to talk to
no one to cry with
no one at all.

Monday, December 5, 2011


Quiero ver dentro tuyo,
espero encontrar un Sol,
quiero conocerte,
pero me lo impido.

No puedo hablar, 
mi mente me lo prohíbe,
mi corazón quiere gritar,
pero mi boca no responde..

Quisiera dejar de aburrirte
poder encontrarme
y el mundo expresar.
Quiero abrir los ojos.

Pero creo que pensar
es mas sabio
y decidí quedarme 
y guardar mi silencio

Porque no me conocés
vos a mi?


I still remember the look in her eyes
You could see them shine,
while she looked at the lights
that the city gave us back

The sky was light and dark
yellow, pink and blue.
It was hard to breathe,
the moment made me shake.

I Remembered a song and
sung it to myself
and thought about life
I don't want it to end

I want to give my life to the people,
my help because I never had 
any kind of it...

Give my love,
the world is going nuts.
Give my hand
and make peace
within women and men

All in the same sunset...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Remember G

Plug them in
everything is silent
not a word...
Then your voice comes.

My mind disappears
the words make 
a beautiful echo
and makes my feelings 
come and go.

Suddenly screams appear
along with lots tears
no one else there
just your voice.

Makes me feel you're the only friend
nothings happens
silence comes back.
The one who rescued me
from a colapse.

the only thing I've got.
You say what I'm afraid to say,
and express it with such sweetness
that I think nothing bad
will ever happen again...

Even though you're not here, 
I will always remember,
remember what you've made
and everything you gave us.

Monday, November 7, 2011

El Mar y una Noche

La Tierra es algo magnífico...
Escuchando los sonidos de la noche...
Todo es tan claro que de nada me pierdo...

Todo lo veo.
Desde lo que esta
y lo que quisiera que estuviera...

Todos los colores fueron absorbidos,
solo queda un color azul...
La brisa me hace pensar que estoy en el mar,
asi que pondre mi mano sobre mi oído
y lo escucho... Las olas no paran...

Lo malo de morir
es no volver a respirar...
respirar el aire de esta noche
y el olor de las gotas de lluvia 
en la grama....

Los grillos me llaman
y no paran...
pero las estrellas me cautivaron
y me hipontizaron, no me muevo...

Que mas puedo hacer?
Solo esperar que la mañana reaparezca
y que traiga con ella
los colores que lamentan...

Lamentan regresar de nuevo...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Cosas Imposibles!

"El tiempo actual es una ventana para todos los tiempos. No pensemos más ni para atrás,  ni para adelante: podés vivir el siempre ahora..." - Gustavo Cerati

Moonlight (the night is bright)

Look for the light.
and stay away from the night,
 let your mind fly...

The moonlight will guide you, 
don't be scared.
That's where I am.

Look at the moon.
the night may be really dark
but there's still light.
Moonlight, the night is bright...

I'll take you in my arms,
don't cry anymore.
I'm here
and everything will be better.

You shouldn't count 
the time that has passed.
But the time left.

Look at the moon.
the night may be really dark
but there's still light.
Moonlight, the night is bright...

Be strong, although I know you are.
I see it in your eyes.
Your soul is bright.

Free yourself, and escape.
And after that...
we'll keep walking
towards the sun.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Don't want to be myself anymore

I don't want to do it anymore,
don't want to be sad,
to follow anyone
I don't want to be in the same routine.

No more!
I don't want to be myself anymore.
Just do what I want.
And I can't see any problem with that.

I will be free
you might be a little jealous
but that's alright...
you'll grow up.

I will rock the whole day
won't listen to any one.
Today I don't care
I don't care if I'm acting silly.

Not Anymore!
I don't want to be myself no more.
Just do what I want
And I don't see any problem with that.

I'll make a difference.
Jump as high as I can.
sing my heart out
and scream whatever's inside.

Dance 'til I'm breathless
and I won't worry
because I don't care what the world says.
Because I won't be myself today.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


It's true. 
I'm not the best or the prettiest.
Sometimes rude.
But my love is true.

I miss you,
when I can't see you,
or can't talk with you...

My nerves play tricks on me.
I start getting cold
and my stomach hurts.
You change my life 
just with a hello.

But I wouldn't stand 
if you lied to me.
My heart is closing more
each passing day...

With April begun...
Now we're on the 8th month.
and it's not gone...
It's stronger than ever.

Now do you believe
that I've loved you more than
anybody else?

Friday, October 28, 2011


Sitting there,
doing nothing,
thinking about something,
but hard to describe...

Inside him is another world.
A person so misterious 
that doesn't even know
himself completely.

Sit beside him
you will get to know him 
little by little.
If you get his trust,
don't let him down.

His heart has been broken
so many times...
He won't resist a lot,
so he will close and lock
 his feelings again...

Kindest person you'll find.
A voice so gentle
you don't even notice 
he was making any sound.

Peter disappeared one day,
he never got back,
40 years later,
I still remember ...

P + P


La gente muere, la gente trabaja.
tiene hambre.
Nuestro planeta tiene hambre...

Podemos ver mas allá?
Podemos ayudar?
Podemos recapacitar?

Decís que el mundo 
se va a acabar aun ayudando.
Pero no, nosotros lo acabamos

Si tan solo quisieran apagar las luces 
dejar que las estrellas adornen la noche.
Con el silencio y la música de la Tierra.

La frescura de la noche y la lluvia,
el arco iris que nos tranquiliza.
Vivamos en paz.

Amar a los demas.
Amar la Tierra,
amarnos nosotros.

Tenemos hambre...

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Mar Rosa

Estaba parada ahi, en frente del mar.
Con la arena gris y pavimentada.
Y el mar se convirtio en Rosa.

Los carros pasaban, la gente también
pero nadie lo percataba.
Y quise gritar pero no abria la boca.
Quise correr pero ni caminar podia.

Sos solo algo que permite que la historia avance.
Algo secundario...
No estas aqui en verdad, solo mirás.
Estas ausente.

Grabas todo, sentís que ya lo pasaste.
Es el recuerdo, lo sentis eterno,
pero en verdad ni un segundo tarda.

Sigo admirando el mar rosa,
pero pronto todo se convierte
en color negro.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Quiero Ser

Quisiera ser viento para ser sentida pero no vista.
Escuchar pero no notarme.
Invisible pero visible.
Olvidada pero tomada en cuenta.

Quisiera ser viento para sentir la diferencia
entre el frío solo 
y el calor junto con vos.

Quisiera ser viento  para andar
sin rumbo, sin tiempo
sin nadie.

Quisiera ser viento para poder pensar
sin juicio y sin interrupción.

Quisiera ser viento porque nunca esta solo,
siempre trae consigo
buenos y malos.

En fin, nunca fue tan placentero
ser humano...

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Amanece, respiro profundo y ya te tengo en la mente.
Es hermoso tener la sensacion de sumergirse 
en el agua al caer la tarde... 

A veces los cambios son los que nos hacen cambiar. 
Pero hay que dejar de escuchar 
lo de adentro para escuchar lo de afuera. 

Mirá los colores del cielo y decime si falta alguno,
son perfectos. 
Suben las estrellas, un milagro,
un millón de ellos. 

Ponte al lado mio, 
estaremos listos para la redención? 
Brilla todo, mi corazón, acelera, acabás de aparecer.
Pero me pregunto porque tanto y porque vos? 

Subo la mirada, y miro un lago, nadan las estrellas,
brillando, o serán el reflejo de los que estamos abajo?...

Respiro de nuevo y todo acaba...

Friday, October 7, 2011


Eyes are the door to the soul,

and sometimes simplest things
are the most beautiful.

Everyone knows that but some days
We're just too blind.
I love you the way you are,
no need to change anything.

Imperfection makes things perfect.
We are all imperfect...

Live with all the happiness 
that you can give and receive.
Live like no other,
dreaming of your paradise.

If you can imagine,
you can make it real.
Love, love, love
that's what we all need.

So give it all
along with your smile
and be yourself.

Be a child again,
jump and make songs
if you do all this your eyes will reflect
The unique person you are.
But I already knew that...

Friday, September 30, 2011

The Beginning / El Comienzo

Se comienza el nuevo Blog, donde se pondrán letras propias y de otros artistas, dibujos, fotografías, etc. Ojala sea de su agrado. Puede que por algunos momentos no se ponga nada por falta de tiempo. Por favor comentarios que ayuden a mejorar y no a empeorar el sentir de cualquier persona, gracias. (Soy nueva en esto jaja) // I'm beginning a new Blog where I'll post my own lyrics or from other artists, drawings, photos, etc. I hope you like all this. For moments I might not be able to post anything because I have no free time. Please, no hating comments, if you want to make suggestions feel free to comment. (I'm new at this)